Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Holiday for some!

Whilst the rest of the country was taking the Boxing Day holiday today, the Chinese painters were back on the job early this morning (at 7am!!) to start work. Today was painting the alfresco area, entrance way, render area and stain the stairs.

The kids weren't happy about being banished from upstairs all day however the end result, with another coat to go tomorrow, is fantastic. Beautiful colour coming out of the wood.
The back alfresco area looks so much brighter now that the ceiling has been painted, walls touched up.

You'll notice the posts have been painted the new blue, taking the tone down a notch and this has been followed into the entrance way and the veranda.

And for all those (everyone it seems!) people not happy with the gable colour, it is coming down the tone as well. The front door is also getting the treatment. Another coat to go however coming up better than the green!
The painters are back tomorrow to finish off so we expect another early start. Still not finished, but we are a day closer!!

Boxing Day Test

The big day, Boxing Day and all that really happens on Boxing Day is to get ready to watch the cricket. Today we were also getting into entertaining mode again, Chief's brother was in Sydney from Melbourne and was coming to visit with his wife Lisa.

We had a wonderful day with Peter and Lisa and most importantly, Deputy was able to sit outside around the table, talking away while still being able to clearly watch all the action of the Test. Success!!
Peter, Lisa and Marissa dutifully posing for Deputy. Later on the table was full of food again, Deputy firing up the BBQ and Chief proving that she did have enough food for the street!

Christmas Day - Next!

Well we reached Christmas Day. The kids had requested that we stay home this year for Christmas and given the hectic year of work, building and everything else that goes on with life with 3 kids, Chief and Deputy decided that was a good idea. Given that building was still taking place deep into Christmas week, would have been hard to go away anyway.

Chief over the course of the past couple of weeks (or longer) had been inviting anyone she knew (and anyone she didn't know as well) to come over for Christmas breakfast. Next neighbor's Wards were on the list and good friends Merchants. This was seriously going to test out our new entertaining area and given that we had not been hospitable for a long time, our skills to entertain.

Before everyone arrived though, we had to open presents. The highlight of the day was our 3 kids. Christmas was broadcast to them as being a little lean this year due to the building works. On Christmas morning after they had opened their presents, all of a sudden they disappeared and returned with a present each for Chief and Deputy, bought out of their own money. They had discussed it together and all gone out at various stages and bought the presents. Chief and Deputy a little humbled, a little teary however very proud of them.

Then the guests started to arrive, Merchants, Wards and then the Rusin's, much to Chief's surprise. Whilst Chief had invited the Rusin's, Chief's phone had not been working for a couple of days so hadn't received the text saying that they would be coming. Chief had been telling everyone that we had enough food to feed the street (this is not a lie by the way!) so food was not an issue.  

We met the Rusin's when Brendan (our eldest and the one holding court) and Maddy (closest) where 4 years old. Marissa holding up the post was just a little baby. The Rusin's are moving to Bowral in the new year so this was really nice to see how the kids had grown up.

After the breakfast crowd disappeared, it was time to wash up, set the dishwasher into action and get ready for round 2. Christmas Eve, Deputy and Brendan were doing keyboard duty for the Christmas Eve services at church. We found out that the music director Ryan and his young family were spending Christmas alone this year. A quick invitation and we had a Christmas lunch with guests. The English couple over the round had also been party to a Chief invitation and while they couldn't make breakfast, they came over in the afternoon.
Our lovely fluffy rabbit Cricket had a day of being loved as little kids just love a good fluffy rabbit to cuddle!
As Ryan and his family left, we started packing up and the phone rang. Our good friends Brad and Jenny, godparents to our kids, and also another set of Chief invites were close by and wondering if they could come over. Sure, there is plenty of food! Brad, Jen and Nat were all pretty full so it was a cup of tea however Deputy wanted dessert so the pavlova was made and cut. The kids started watching a movie on the big screen, we sat out the back and just relaxed and talked, and by 8pm, Brad and Jen were hungry again so we settled into finishing off the prawns, steak, chicken and you name it from earlier in the day.
Gave us a chance to light the little citronella candles and what do you know, they hung beautifully off the kitchen bench hooks.

At the end of the day, we'd served up Christmas breakfast, lunch and dinner. The new alfresco area was marvelous. We had a crowd for breakfast however it didn't feel like a crowd and the flow in and out of the house, and particularly Chief's canteen style kitchen was a winner as being in the kitchen did not mean you were out of the party.

The kids were joking, 'whose next?' after Brad, Jen and Nat left. We asked the kids whether they enjoyed Christmas and they all said it was one of the best Christmas Day's they have had. New house, their own house and showing it off helps however we hope that for everyone who came, they enjoyed it as much as we enjoyed putting it on. We did though sleep very well that night!

Friday, December 23, 2011

Yep, it's been worth it!

Today, 2 days before Christmas, a little early mark from work enabled Deputy to put the table together for the outdoor setting. Tonight we christened the BBQ (nothing burnt folks!), ate as a family around the new setting, doors and windows pulled back, our Christmas present on the wall in perfect view. It was a very pleasant way to end the week.

While we were eating, the TV man was busy installing Chief and Deputy's little piece of luxury. Deputy had some money to spend from being at the one work place for so long, so a small investment was made. Now we can really hide away!
All the beds have now been made, able to sneak in and grab a shot of Brendan's new bed. As you can see, looks like a bed and room of a 17 year old boy!
Joel loves to get the Scaletrix slot car set out and he is particularly happy as he can now set it up in his room. He just hasn't been able to get it working properly yet.
Yesterday we had photos of the before and after look of the house from the front. Today we'll do the back of the house.
Before ...
And now. All that is missing is growing the grass back ...

Yes, it is the same place. The tree there proves it however the rest of it, amazing transformation and one that we are looking forward to enjoying now that we have gone through this journey to get here. If we do not post before Christmas, have a Merry Christmas and remember, it is Jesus that is the reason for the season!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

It's a Christmas Miracle!

Yep, that's a garage door. Halleluiah! Took them nearly all day to install however, it is installed. Means we now have the lounge and chairs upstairs and can access the boxes to start unpacking more things. Looks good too just quietly.
The other big thing to note is the site is clean. Wayne and Phil loaded up everything, cleaned up and yes, the car is now back in the driveway. The render was completed on the front left side. Now just all needs to dry so it can be painted. The last little bit is the painting of the entrance, alfresco and render plus a little bit of touching up. This is likely to be next week now as the weather is still not the best drying weather. Means the stairs inside will have to wait for their staining.

Before we started building ......
What it looks like today ...
The other big excitement today, the kids new beds arrived. Joel and Marissa very quickly set about dismantling their old beds and setting up their new beds. The excitement was evident. They love their new rooms and beds.
Joel ...
Marissa's bed ..
Now it is time to clean up a little and get ready for Christmas. It is not quite finished by Christmas, the weather beat us in the end however we are so very close. It has made a massive difference already to the way we are living. Has been worth it!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Lets cook up a storm!

Not a great use of words as we've had enough rain and storms lately. Today Phil and Wayne were back, Phil finishing off the brick work in the garage, and that was about it. The render man was meant to return however I think he was still drying out from Monday. The weather was good today, sunshine so hopefully this has helped the drying process and we might see painters later in the week.

With Christmas fast approaching and a few people scheduled to visit over Christmas and Boxing Day, Deputy felt it wise to put the house warming present today. Grandad Deputy provided the present so we had a BBQ to enjoy around the new alfresco. Lots of pieces later and a bit of help from Marissa and tadaaaaa
Boxing Day Test, new TV on the wall, BBQ put together, the new outdoor setting arrived today, will be built once the painters have finished, can't wait!

Monday, December 19, 2011

It's so close ... but so far

Folks we are still here, the action is just so fragmented at present due to the weather and trying to get the tradesman on site. The weather is not helping as work backs up so tradesman have to put the queue back and the amount of work is small in some aspects so Wayne and Phil haven't been spending a full day on site. 

Anyway, we've seen a further clean up of the site, equipment and material remove. Windows have been cleaned and Wayne spent hours cleaning the tiles on the alfresco area. On Friday, the railings for the veranda and entrance steps arrived.

To try and get everything finished before Christmas, the rendered was to come Sunday so if weather held, paint Wednesday. He came today, Monday which is not good for the program however it has made a difference, though I understand the front still has a little bit of work to go to finish. At the same time, Phil built the privacy screens at the entrance.
This is looking across the lobby out the front door.
Looking up the steps to the screen behind. The new entrance makes such a difference, it feels like you entering the wrong house.  Bit on render to dry on the walls!
Now just to get rid of that garage door. Apparently the new door is coming Wednesday however Wayne did not build me up with confidence when he said that at this time of the year, that doesn't mean anything. MMmm.

Deputy also had the rollers out, painting walls and ceiling in Chief and Deputy's bedroom and under coating the dining room. Makes a difference just a little paint.

Marissa's new bed arrived today and it has been made, mattress coming on Wednesday however she was so keen, bed is made, sleeping on the old mattress. 

What does tomorrow bring? The weather forecast, probably not much. We need the render to dry so it can be painted. The entrance and the alfresco area are to be painted and the stairs stained. The range hood sealed up (yes .....!), big of grout work in the upstairs toilet, closing a gap in the brickwork in the garage and I think it is nearly done. My prediction, we'll be saying Hi to Wayne in the new year!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Feeling just a little naked ...

For all those out there expecting a little exposure of Chief and Deputy, it is the house that is feeling exposed.

After 6 months of being locked in, caged in, in and out through the cattle gate each day, this morning Phil starting taking down the fence. I think they are serious about trying to move out! At the end of the day, fence, gate, signs, it was all gone and suddenly we all felt just a little exposed! It was rather weird to be honest after 6 months of living behind a fence!

It was a day of getting things done, the tilers were back (and arguing with Wayne again, heated I have been informed) working on the entrance and lobby. Most of the tiles are down, looks like they will be back tomorrow to finish off.
Phil was busy patching and filing and tidying up around the place however what really convinced us that the building is nearly finished .... Phil working on the range hood cover. Still not finished though, it is apparently doing their head in trying to get it finished and secured.
It was also a big day for the rest of the family. Joel through an injury didn't play cricket on Sunday so Chief and Deputy went shopping and bought the family Christmas present. Today it was installed.
Yep, as the kids have been saying all afternoon, about time we entered the new world and got a TV that you could see. Must admit, it is a good picture, the Boxing Day test is going to look very good on the new set. Particularly from outside relaxing on the alfresco area with the doors pulled back, the new BBQ in the box there set up ...
Keen followers of the renovation will also notice that the family room is now looking distinctly white. Deputy was very busy Sunday afternoon and very late into Sunday night (and truth be told, Monday morning) painting the room and the wall in particular so that the TV could be installed. Has made a big difference to the feel of the room.

You may also notice a tree. We decided that it was time to get into the Christmas spirit and the tree has gone up and now also decorated.
Deck the Halls and Silent Night, maybe silent day with no nail gun, electric saw or hammer. Pretty soon, it will be all quiet on the home front and there just might be a hearty rendition of the Halleluiah chorus!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Summer, give us your best!

Yep, you guessed it, the controller to our air conditioning. The air con people completed the install today so now, summer can hit us with it's best and we are ready for it.

There are vents all through the house so there is no excuse for not being comfortable when the weather turns extreme. Bedrooms all have a vent and the living areas.

In the light of day, Deputy could get a photo of the blinds in Joel's room. They are very nice, good quality and the kids gave them the thumbs up this morning for blocking out the sunlight. Good result all round.
Today was first day of holidays for Chief and the two younger ones are already on holidays (what sort of education am I paying for!?!) so they spent the day shopping. New beds have been ordered for Joel and Marissa. Brendan has decided on his mattress, just needs to decide on a bed frame now. The new BBQ was picked up (Deputy just has to work out how to assemble it now) and bar stools purchased for the breakfast bar.
The house is starting to look finished, if we could just get that range hood completed ...

Phil spent the day cleaning up again and taking more stuff off the site. There is less and less stuff lying around, the form work also taken off the new concrete. Little bit to do however from where we started, we are amazed at the transformation of our home, brilliant!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Let there be darkness

Since the kids moved upstairs on Monday, they have quietly complained that the blinds haven't been installed so they are being woken up early by the sunlight. Tonight, good friend Lance came around and installed the blinds. Deputy was too much of a chicken in case he messed it all up so he stood with the pencil and marked the spot for the brackets and generally gave moral support.

The result is darkness in all three rooms, even happier campers now. Struggled for photos, didn't turn out as it was too dark. All I needed was a camera that would take a photo in a box, a dark place ..... (if you don't understand, that is fine, others will!)

The rains kept coming down, which is apparently good for the concrete according to Wayne who was back on site early today inspecting his pride and joy, the concrete. Loves his concrete does Wayne. As you can see, the results are excellent and with this rainy weather, so nice not to be trampling mud all over the place.

The capping is still to go on top of the wall. Tiling of the entrance and landing next week, render to be put on when the weather clears a little (please!!) and then the final painting. Bit step forward the concrete being finished so fingers crossed, it will all be completed in the next week or so.