Monday, December 5, 2011

It's the season to rejoice!! We have carpet upstairs and the kids are sleeping in their new bedroooms!

Today when we left for work Joel stayed home from school sick in bed because he played cricket in the rain at Newcastle yesterday and this morning was absolutely miserable.
When I arrived home Joel was still sick but had already pulled his bed apart, transported all of his worldly possessions upstairs and was getting ready to take residence in his newly carpeted room. Yes, the carpet had been laid upstairs during the day and it was moving time.
 Joel's room
 Marissa's room
 Brendan's room
The newly carpeted hallway
 Tonight all of the children will sleep in their new rooms, although they are busy whinging because there are no blinds and their rooms are very light, not to mention that they will be woken up early. Well isn't it lucky that they have to get up early to go to school in the morning!!
Downstairs will have its turn tomorrow as we get carpet put in all of the downstairs rooms. Because of this we are having to get everything out of the downstairs rooms so that the carpet layer only has to rip up the old and lay the new.
Other work around the house today included forming up outside so that they can pour the concrete on Wednesday. Wayne even suggested letting the kids write their names somewhere in the cement....hmm maybe not!

It's hard to believe that it's summer because as these photos show my kids have gone to bed in winter pajamas.

Unfortunately a few things have come to light as we moved the beds upstairs. The first thing is that the legs have broken on Marissa's bed, so now she has her mattress on the floor and I am very concerned that Brendan will cut his head off in the fan. Looks like we will have to be on the lookout for a few beds in the very near future.
Another thing we have to look into is getting some drawers to put in the cupboards as the kids have nowhere to store their folded clothes.
Oh well hopefully everyone will sleep well in their new rooms and that Joel and Marissa won't miss each other too much, but given the speed with which they moved to their new rooms I think that is very unlikely.

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