Friday, December 2, 2011

Have a shower .... Upstairs!

Yes folks, joy in the house for Chief and Deputy, the upstairs bathroom has been handed over to the kids. Giddy up folks, Chief and Deputy finally have their own ensuite!! Tonight Marissa had the first shower upstairs, after she had the first bath downstairs, bit of a pattern here. Joel quickly followed suit however Brendan wasn't 'told' that he could shower upstairs (he's a 17 year old male .....).
The vanity is ready as well, and you can nearly see Deputy, wonderfully dressed in his painting gear.
There is a little bit to finish off, the small gap at the side of the vanity and tiles at the back of the toilet and it will be finished. Carpet is coming on Monday so Monday night, the kids will be able to move into their own new rooms. I think they are pretty excited about this, particularly Joel and Marissa who have dutifully shared the same room for the past 6 months without complaint. I think we'll see world record moving times!

Today we also had Bob the Carpenter (remember!!!) back and as you can see on the above photo, door handles put on all the doors upstairs and downstairs and the hanging rails in the robes upstairs.

We are very close to seeing the range hood finished ......

Wayne and Phil continued on with constructing the great wall of Como. It is now finished, steel has been put in place and there is the form work for the stairs to go and then I think they are nearly ready to pour concrete. 

 Concrete pour will be a big day as it will cover the new entrance way, which can then be tiled, fixing the driveway and finishing the back area. At some stage the render will be done out the front, then the painters return to finish off the alfresco area, new entrance way, the render pained. Veranda railing, new garage, taps in the laundry, a big clean up of the house, and maybe the range hood. Take down the big fence, and I think it will be finished, fingers crossed, before Christmas!

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