Tuesday, June 14, 2011

First official day of building

Well today saw our builder and his mate arrive bright and early despite the grey sky and the rain clouds.
They started work outside finishing off the fence around our property. It is a fairly impressive fence. 
They were here all day working hard in between the heavy rain showers that were on and off all through the day.

Just before they left Wayne came and informed me that tomorrow they would start working on the inside of the house. I knew that it had to happen but I am still dreading it. 
He very patiently told me AGAIN that he will be putting up plastic sheeting in the hallway to stop the dust but I am still anxious about it, because as all of my friends know I just LOVE a clean house and spend a great amount of time dusting to keep it clean.......oh wait, that's in my dreams! If the truth be told my family probably won't even notice all of the dust through the house because they pretty much live with dust all through the house now.

Tomorrow there will be photos of what has taken place I hope.

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