Thursday, June 16, 2011

No airconditioning!

Not only do we not have any lights out the back of the house or any working power points in the front of the house, but just before dinner we discovered that the air conditioner isn't working either.....Thank goodness tonight hasn't been as cold as earlier in the week.
Marissa was very excited though because the air conditioner is working in her room. Just not out the back.
Brendan is having a shower in the dark as there are no lights there either, actually I think he may have taken his bedside lamp in there to see where the soap is located.

Last night when I was whinging about there being no working power points in the front of the house my absolutely adorable and resourceful husband went and found two huge extension cords and plugged them in at the back of the house so that I could have power to turn my electric blanket on and so that Marissa's goldfish filter would operate in an effort to prevent dead goldfish this morning.
So tonight, it really does feel like we are camping- no air-conditioning or lights out the back, but we do have working power-points so that I could watch the masterchef elimination episode tonight.
Out the front of the house we have working lights, but no working power-points. As I said, just like camping!

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