Friday, July 15, 2011

End of Week 5 - The builders are tired!

Today is the end of week 5 of building. I can't believe how much progress has been made in less than 5 weeks of work. Speaking to Wayne this afternoon, he was tired, and Peter and Phil said how hard they had been working yesterday. There is that covering of dust around the place, equipment, materials lying around ready to use, the hole in the ceiling though has been covered so I am a little warmer tonight BUT, there is no lights. Problems with the power but I do have power points working so at least the TV, heater and portable lights are working.

It is also raining so the dirt is going to mud outside and too much rain is not going to be good for the slab pour on Monday. Peter and Phil were hard into it this morning getting the steel laid. I'll have to photo in the morning as I can't be bothered going outside in the rain tonight.

There has been further work on the en suite, the window and door frame has been framed up and the ceiling has been finished ready for painting. I have a little job to do over the weekend. The door frame for the WIR and the door into our bedroom has also been framed up ready for a door.

I used the morning light, though it wasn't working as it was freezing this morning to take some photos of the backyard and the progress on the slab area. As you can see, stuff everywhere!

The progress on the slab is impressive, the photos tomorrow in the light should be interesting but have a look at the depth of the piers, we must be seriously building a multi story building. It will take a whole cement truck to fill them!

Well, might go and turn the electric blanket on and get into bed, it has been a long week at work and while I'm sure Chief Blogger and the kids have enjoyed their holiday away, Deputy Blogger has missed his family. Be seeing them soon though which is good, but not for them as they will be home!

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