Saturday, July 9, 2011

I Just Wanted A Sleep in!!

Saturday morning, sleep in time, or so I thought. Thank goodness Wayne had warned me by text late Friday evening that the tilers were coming in the morning to finish off the grouting of the en suite and laundry floor. But my sleep in, my sleep in!! The price of progress my tired eyes!

I literally woke up on the stroke of 7 as the van pulled up out the front. Henry and his son were quickly into action mixing the grout and getting to work while I tried to wake up. After a while I wandered in to see how they were going. 'MMmm, that colour grout, not sure about that Henry.' 'It's the colour Wayne gave us Mark'. 'MMmm, still not sure Henry.'
A discussion ensured, if you want to change, you need to decide now before it dries. After some thought, yes, it is not the right colour and looks silly. Henry and his son works on taking the grout out while I speed to Bunnings to get new grout. Never been to Bunnings so early!

To show my appreciation, I offered to do a coffee run, and I was also still struggling to get the eyes open. Over the coffee, turns out Henry's son is a Roosters supporter as well so we had a good chat, crying into our cappuccinos!!

Anyway, after the second grout was washed into the tiles, on inspection, Mark is happy and Henry and his son are happy as the colour is a lot better. See the results below, needs a bit of cleaning however it has come up well. Looks too good for Cathy and I, or are we just so brain washed with the apricot ...

The early start at least allowed me to inspect the work out the front of the house, boy our builders get into it. The wall around our bedroom window had been set up with scaffolding, stripped of fibro and packed with insulation and blued!
The veranda had not been set up with scaffolding due to the garage door opening outwards however the walls had been stripped of fibro and insulation packed into the wall.
The front of the house now looks like this ....and you can see the side driveway has been completely cleared for the excavator on Monday. It is why I lost the air conditioner and my source of heating in this freezing Sydney weather so that excavator had  better turn up on Monday!!!!!
Not a great photo however this is the back yard now. Wonder what it will look like after Monday (cause that excavator is going to turn up!!)
Well, it has been an interesting day. Early start, decisions decisions then some cleaning of the house to get rid of some of the dust. Then off to soccer where we lost badly but I scored a goal by curling in a corner kick, never done that before. Now time to think about bed as it is an early start again for me tomorrow, why I missed this mornings lie in so much.

While my day was happening, Cathy and the kids left Yamba with Nanny and traveled up to the gold coast to visit Movie World. Apparently it is cold up there as well however also apparently Movie World is not as good as Disneyland, even Paris Disneyland is better. MMmm, Cathy's text to me is not really repeatable here other than .........ungrateful kids!
They are staying at the Marriott in a lovely refurnished room. Enjoy it folks, one week down, you'll be back here in a week and definitely before you know it!

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