Thursday, July 14, 2011

Get out of the shower!

Folks, the house is an absolute mess from one end of the block to the other however this morning I didn't care one iota. I was having a shower in our new en suite under Chief Blogger's shower head and I didn't want to move. Besides being cold the rest of the house, it was wonderful under the hot water. In less than 5 weeks, I was having a shower in what used to be Marissa's bedroom. I'd previously christened the toilet and used the basin, ah, the mess is worth it.

This morning I had a chance to see the work out the back in the day light. Tonight the back looks like it is very close to being ready to have the slab laid. On Monday morning the excavator turned up and started ripping up the yard, today it looks ready for concrete. Our builders just keep going and going.

This is tonight, there has been a lot of work, and have a look at the depth of the piers, clearly the structural engineer thinks we are building a 4 story building!

The new entrance to the house has also been worked over considerably today. Wouldn't want to walk up to the house without looking!!

There was some work inside the house. The electrician was back running cable for the internet, TV cable and putting power points into the walls.
Henry was also back and tiled around the edge of the laundry floor. The large hole in the ceiling in the kitchen dining room is still there so I am still wearing 2 jumpers to stay warm. Wayne assures me he is going to close up the ceiling, I'm just hoping its soon!

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