Monday, July 11, 2011

Well, you don't see that everday!!

As you are no doubt finding, Deputy Blogger tends to get the updates posted late in the evening. Function of having to work and then getting home in the dark. Thus my surprise when I opened the back door and was confronted with .........
Clearly the excavator had turned up (lucky!). It was all systems go this morning, Wayne, Peter, Phil and Brett all on site by 7 and it was all logistics and planning for the day. They had to get rubbish into the truck, to the dump and back ready for the excavator and be ready to get turning around to the dump. Both trucks where to be used. When I left at 7.10am, they were hard into it.

Out the back, you can just see the impact of the excavator, might try for better shots in the crisp morning light.

Reminds me a bit of our first build at Newtown where the ground was excavated, and then it rained for what seemed like 40 days and 40 nights. Please, no rain!

Two trucks + one excavator driver = two builders left.  Now what would a BUILDER with a bit of time on their hands do. Oh, I don't know, how about demolish something? What a good idea!! Seriously, I'm checking the contract to make sure we hired then to BUILD as well ...........

But, it's not all 'bad', the stupid, dumb, what were people thinking fake brick archway has gone gone gone baby! Off to where bad decorating ideas go to die (which is usually our house so who knows where it has ended up ..........)
Only problem, now I can see straight up into the ceiling space and inspect the tiles.
This makes the borrowed heater a rather useless item as any first year science student tells you, hot air rises so there is no real point heating the ceiling. Might have a small chat to Wayne in the morning to see if we can cover this in with plastic or something for the time being, I need some comfort. At this rate, I don't think I'll ever see Chief Blogger back here again. Though Chief does have an electric rug .....

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