Monday, July 4, 2011

Week 4 - Wake Up Neighbours!

Well Week 4 started early again with Peter pulling up out the front of a quite house. The house is quieter than usual with the school holidays starting and Cathy and the kids making the long trip to Yamba on Sunday to escape the construction zone. Initial reports of fishing off the breakwall, surfing the waves and reading a book in the sun suggest that the house wasn't being missed.

If this update gets posted, it means I've remembered all the instructions on how to keep the updates moving! Not sure I have the wit and insight of chief blogger however it is the photos that tell the story! Unfortunately I'm sans camera as they have been taken on holidays!  Interesting to see how we go, as these images suggest, do not use a Blackberry as a camera!!

Peter is always itching to get to work and today was no different. By 7.15am this morning the washing machine was out in the back yard, the laundry tub disdainfully discarded and the jack hammer echoing all around the neighborhood. The cement floor and tiles were flying everywhere, as the whisper quiet early morning was harshly broken. Is that the time? Off to work I go!!

The laundry without the washing machine and basin.

On my return home tonight from work, this bad photo shows the laundry floor cleared of tiles and a hole for the overflow.

The builders have also been very busy as usual as the ceiling and walls have all been sheeted except for those areas which need the plumbing worked on. Our laundry has never looked so good!!

Our en suite wasn't forgotten today, the water proofing completed on the floor and the walls, which hopefully means once it drys (and the smell goes away) that tiling can take place. 

1 comment:

  1. I am so excited that you are posting Mark!! You are a very clever man following all those instructions and if you want a decent camera we have a few spares around here.
