Wednesday, July 6, 2011

You'd Be Blue Too!!

This morning it was the full squad of workers, Peter here before the sun was even thinking about rising, Phil in the truck and Wayne speeding up at 7 with his grandson. It was plastic overalls at 20 paces as the team suited up for fibro removal. Today was attack the walls day by a team resembling a breakaway from the blue men!

While it was dark when your trusty deputy blogger returned home, the house had clearly been subjected to a major piece of rip and tearing and had suffered in the cold wind and gone distinctly blue! The whole one side of the house had been 'blued' while the other side from the front door back was looking decidedly cold. Poking out the top was insulation in the walls, which in some places would be a first.

It will be left to the morning light to get a better photo however here is the wall at the entry to the house, and below is the stripped walls in the lobby/entry area.

The inside had a touch of work, the plumbing had been completed in the laundry with new pipes and moving of the taps, and a touch of insulation to round it off.

Going to bed last night I was turning all the lights off, when I noticed light coming from under Brendan's bedroom door. After entering the room and wondering why things seemed to be moved around, I spied the corner of the room, which had been attacked and the door opening created into the storage cupboard behind the stairs. Brendan either has more space to store his stuff, or to hide from the rest of the family!

The big excitement of today though was discovering the piles of tiles sitting in our bedroom waiting patiently outside the en suite. I can only hope that tomorrow is tiling day. I know it is all a process but I just want to see a tile laid! Mainly because it may help answer a question that has been bugging me, being a complete non renovator, do you tile the floor or the walls first?

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